He asked me one day what I wanted and I didn't have an answer.  I really didn't know. Years passed and I thought I was comfortable. I thought I was happy.  More years passed and I still didn't know. Then I found myself alone.  The question came back.. WHAT DO YOU WANT?

What do I want..What do I want???? I know NOW. After years of dealing, just accepting and tolerating what I thought I wanted, what I was willing to accept and what I REALLY REALLY didn't want. I NOW KNOW..

He must be compassionate.  When I look into his eyes I want to see a gentle soul looking back at me.
A person who would give his last to another, not because of what he thinks he will get back, but because he just wants you to have it.

He must be loyal.. not loyal as in "if you are loyal to me, I will be loyal to you" But I am a loyal person who believes in being loyal because it is the right thing to do and I believe in truth.

He can't be afraid to commit.  In fact that should be at the top of the list.  Commitment,because, no piece of paper is going to keep you somewhere you don't want to be. 

Bring the funny baby. I don't expect you to make me laugh everyday, but I need laughter in my life.  I NEED laughter.  I can't be serious every damn day.  I need to laugh. So sometimes you will be the butt of my jokes without hurt feelings and I hope I can be the butt of yours.  

I want to cherish your presence in my life.  I want you to cherish mines in yours.  When I look at you I should see someone who cherishes me. Someone who wants to protect me, who would protect my feelings.

Would you die for me?  I don't mean literally, or maybe I do. I want to feel protected from the world by you. I want your arms to be my safe place. My quite space in the storm.  

I need to know you aren't ashamed to be with me, or that you feel like you have to give up something better to be with OR OR OR that you settled for me.. 

I want to know that I am a priority to you.  That our relationship is a priority, not because you need me, but because you want me. 

Desire me, want me, make me want you.  Ignite my senses, fan the flames.. Keep it hot. And if we cool for a little while know that it is ok.. But lets not let the fire die.  

I want love, unconditional love. Like a fat kid loves cake.. Like the ocean loves sand, Like the sun loves the moon, Like day loves night.. Queen me and I will King you back..

Tell me the truth.. I would rather be hurt with truth than be comforted with lies. I would rather be alone than to be in a room full of people who stroke my ego. Be real with me. My ego doesn't need stroking. My soul needs acknowledgment.  My hear needs connection. My body needs love. 

Don't be afraid of my moods, they have nothing to do with you, but if it does I will let you know that. Don't panic. It's okay to be different.  I don't need a clone or a shadow. I need a grown up with emotions who can handle a grown up with emotions. 

Talk to me I talk back.  I am a talker and a do'er.  I will talk it out.  I need you to let me do that.  I like doing things. I need you to let me do that. Just because I tell you about something doesn't mean I need you to fix it. Sometimes I just need you to listen without the impulse to fix.

And everything you give to me, I will return to you 1000% you can trust that.